Brokers are compensated in the form of a commission payment calculated as a percentage of your insurance premium. Brokers are obligated to disclose their commission earnings on a client’s policy if so requested.

As part of the brokerage contract, CEM Insurance recognizes Broker profitability through a Contingent Profit Commission (CPC) program. Receipt of a CPC payment is entirely dependent on the overall profitability of the business submitted by a Broker. Therefore, this commission is not guaranteed to any Broker. The CPC program has no aspect geared to business growth rates and is simply based on the profitability of the Broker’s business with the insurance companies.

CEM Insurance has no equity position in any brokerage business and has one outstanding loan with Aviva Canada used to expand the business.

Policy / Commissions
Private Passenger Automobile - 12.5%
Commercial Automobile - 12.5%
Residential & Personal Property - 20%
Commercial Property - 20%